Hi, I am Michelle Tiller.

As a young mom I was always chasing my two little girls around the house with a camera - looking to capture the everyday moments of their lives I knew I never wanted to forget.  I loved getting that perfectly imperfect moment.  One day on a whim I signed up for a photography class and the light has never looked the same since.  The sun’s angle, the play of the shadow, the beauty of the backdrop, the right lens - all of these are skills I’ve honed over the years in order to capture those fleeting, dancing moments in time my clients never want to forget.

I love all photography - but my specialties are family sessions, senior sessions, and styled mini-sessions.  Behind my camera lens I’m always looking for the shot just beyond the pose.  You know the one…it’s the one that tells the story of who you really are, the one that you didn’t see coming, the one that grabs the essence of who your family is.

There’s a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words - and how true that is. Pictures tell the story of you who are, who you were, and who you will be.  Let me help you tell your story.